4 min read | Updated 07 Nov 2022 | Category Services | User AvatarDaniel

Brokerage platform

Dev-MNS Broker App offers access to all customers to manage their crypto portfolio at ease, with transparency and security in mind. Bellow we list all the operation that can be accomplished on our platform, with some basic examples on how to use it.

Quote request is available for a limited period of time, make sure you confirm it before it expires.

1. Buy (with fiat)

In order to buy a crypto asset with fiat (EUR), you have to select from Markets desired asset and click on Buy. From the next screen, you choose EUR payment, fill all the mandatory fields (amount, payment method) and submit the Quote request. After you confirm the Quote proceed to Payment page, and for Bank Transfer payment, submit your payment confirmation, or for Credit Card payment, proceed to processor payment to fill credit card details and make the payment. Once the payment is confirmed, your crypto purchased amount will be available in your balance.

2. Buy (with crypto)

In order to buy a crypto asset with another crypto (USDT,BUSD,USDC, etc), you have to select from Markets desired asset and click on Buy. From the next screen, you choose desired crypto as payment, fill all the mandatory fields (amount) and submit the Quote request. You can Quote only crypto assets amounts available in your balance, with a previous Deposit or Buy operations. Once order is approved, your crypto purchased amount will be available in your balance.

3. Sell (to fiat)

In order to sell a crypto asset to fiat (EUR), you have to select from Markets desired asset and click on Sell. From the next screen, you choose EUR payment, fill all the mandatory fields (amount, payment method) and submit the Quote request. You can Quote only crypto assets amounts available in your balance, with a previous Deposit or Buy operations. Once order is approved, depending of payment method, bank or balance, your EUR fiat will be available in your personal Bank Account or in your Dev-MNS EUR balance.

4. Sell (to crypto)

In order to sell a crypto asset to another crypto (USDT,BUSD,USDC, etc), you have to select from Markets desired asset and click on Sell. From the next screen, you choose desired crypto as payment, fill all the mandatory fields (amount) and submit the Quote request. You can Quote only crypto assets amounts available in your balance, with a previous Deposit or Buy operations. Once order is approved, your crypto purchased amount will be available in your balance.

5. Deposit

You can also deposit your crypto assets from your personal private wallets, in our platform. From Markets, select desired crypto assets, and click on Deposit. On the top part, you have to choose your desired network and thus you will receive a Dev-MNS wallet address, in with you have to make the transfer of funds. After you make the blockchain transfer, fill the Create Deposit form from bellow, with mandatory fields (amount and transaction ID). Once the deposit is confirmed, your Dev-MNS balance will be updated with your new balance asset.

6. Withdraw

As Deposit operation, you can also Withdraw your crypto assets to your personal private wallet, from our platform. From Markets, select desired crypto assets, and click on Withdraw. You have to choose your desired network and amount to withdraw, and after Order is confirmed, your crypto amount will be available in your personal private wallet.

7. Transfer

Another useful feature available on Dev-MNS represents Transfer operation. Thus, any user with available funds, can transfer his assets to another user available in our platform. From Markets, select desired crypto assets, and click on Transfer. Fill all the mandatory fields (amount, user) and create transfer. Once the other user approves the transfer operation, both users balances involved in transfer will be updated accordingly.

If this do not answer your questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at contact@cryptocoin.pro.

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